Metachain ™ - Óleos de Cadeia de Alto Desempenho para a Indústria

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Fabricante baseado no Reino Unido

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Mais de 30 anos de experiência

Metachain™ a comprehensive range of high-performance chain oils for industry

Our leading high-performance chain oils, Metachain™ are engineered to thrive in challenging high-temperature environments known to place a significant strain on lubrication performance limits.

As lubricant specialists, we have combined our technical expertise and industry knowledge to ensure the Metachain™ range excels where conventional lubricants fail to perform.

Leveraging next-generation synthetic base oils, anti-oxidants and anti-wear additives, Metachain™ is designed to excel where conventional lubricants fail to perform.

Our Metachain™ range caters to a diverse spectrum of industries:

  • Wood-based panel presses
  • Alongamento de filme plástico
  • Glass wool and mineral oil insulation
  • Placa de gesso
  • Fornos de cerâmica e porcelana
  • Stenters têxteis
  • Fornos de cura de pintura e revestimento a pó

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Características e benefícios

  • High resistance to oxidisation enhances lubricant lifetime at high operating temperatures
  • Carbonização significativamente reduzida
  • Exceptionally low oil volatility ensures oil film stability and fluidity is maintained in-use, contributing to lowered consumption rates
  • A combinação única de aditivos antidesgaste reduz o atrito e o desgaste
  • Excellent thermal stability significantly reduces carbonisation and the formation of deposits/varnish/lacquer
  • Optimised base oil and anti-wear combinations reduces friction and wear to maintain effective lubrication and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • Superior cleanliness contributes to:
    – Reduced frequency of downtime
     – Enhanced component lifetime
     – Improved production output capabilities
     – Lowered costs associated with equipment/component part replacements

How Metachain™ Maximises Production Efficiency

Metachain™ is engineered to maximise production efficiency ensuring your operations run smooth, fast and more reliably than ever before.

Each Metachain™ product has a high resistance to oxidation and carbonisation. This means you’ll experience less frequent replacements and more consistent performance. Plus, thanks to exceptionally low volatility, you can reduce lubricant consumption tenfold. Metachain™ offers a more sustainable and cost-effective solution where it matters most.

Metachain™ contains a unique blend of anti-wear additives. This minimises friction and wear protecting your machinery’s vital components whilst improving their longevity.

Furthermore, excellent thermal stability allows for extended lubrication intervals. You can wave goodbye to the days of frequent and tedious maintenance.

With Metachain™, you’re not just investing in a chain lubricant; you’re investing in the sustained peak performance and efficiency of your production processes.

Our Technical Support and Services

Metalube offers a comprehensive 12-month aftercare program for Metachain™, focusing on maximising production longevity and efficiency.

Our dedicated team conducts thorough on-site inspections before product switchover to assess key operational parameters and ensures best practices are shared and communicated effectively.

Our global presence guarantees we are available to conduct regular, routine onsite support. This allows for optimal product performance to be maintained and provides direct contact with our subject matter experts.

Our collaborative approach is paramount to our service and we pride ourselves in our customer partnerships.

Global Presence

Metalube’s extensive global presence underscores our dedication to the chain oil industry across the world. Our operational bases in 6 pivotal nations, together with a vast distribution network that covers over 100 countries, place us in an ideal position to cater to chain oil requirements globally.

Our international reach goes beyond mere logistical benefits; it forms the bedrock of our capacity to grasp and respond to the varied requirements and standards of customers across different regions.

This global footprint guarantees that we can offer customised solutions that address the specific needs of each location, ensuring Metalube is equipped to tackle any challenge that arises.

Wherever you find yourself, Metalube stands as your top choice for chain oil lubricants, combining a commitment to quality with a global scope, to provide unparalleled service and assistance.

Choosing Metalube means securing a worldwide partner committed to the success of your day to day operations.


‘By utilising new technologies and the latest innovations, Metachain is able to deliver the best quality chain oil in the industry’

Matthew Buffin, Commercial Manager

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Metalube overhead conductor grease production line

Tamanhos de embalagem

Os produtos Metachain ™ estão disponíveis em barris de 200 litros ou IBCs de 1000 litros

Metachain ™ CB-100/200

Lubrificantes de prensagem contínua para a indústria de painéis de madeira

Metachain ™ CB-300/305/310

Lubrificante de corrente sintético de alto desempenho e limpador para painel de prensagem contínua

Metachain ™ CB-310

Lubrificante de corrente multiuso de alto desempenho

Metachain™ CB-633

Lubrificantes de prensagem contínua para a indústria de painéis de madeira

Metachain ™ FG-30/35

Lubrificantes de corrente de alto desempenho para as indústrias alimentícia e limpa

Metachain ™ GW-410/411

Lubrificantes de corrente para fornos de cura de lã mineral e de vidro

Metachain ™ GW-411

Lubrificantes sintéticos de alto desempenho para fornos de cura de isolamento de lã mineral e vidro

Metachain ™ FS-150

Lubrificantes de corrente para seções formadoras de lã mineral e de vidro

Metachain ™ DW-101

Lubrificantes de corrente para fornos de secagem de dry wall e gesso cartonado

Metachain ™ PC-125

Lubrificante de corrente de alta temperatura para linhas de revestimento de tinta

Metachain ™ TS-250/300

Lubrificantes de corrente para stenters têxteis e fornos de cerâmica

Metachain ™ HTS

Lubrificante de corrente multiuso de alto desempenho

Metachain ™ NP-125

Lubrificantes de corrente sintéticos de alto desempenho.

Metachain ™ NP-125W

High performance, synthetic chain lubricants

Metachain ™ PF

Lubrificantes de corrente sintética para máquinas de alongamento de filme plástico (BOPP, BOPET, etc.)

Metachain ™ DF-600


Synthetic lubricant for oven chains operating at extreme temperatures.

Dieffenbacher press machine which Metahchain chain oils are used on
Estudo de caso

Metachain ™ economiza £ 60.000 / ano na impressora Dieffenbacher ao reduzir o tempo de inatividade

Um fabricante britânico de painéis de construção de madeira sustentável historicamente usou lubrificação especializada de correia, rolo, corrente e haste para suas prensas contínuas Dieffenbacher CPS +, mas encontrou problemas, incluindo altos depósitos de carbono deixados por lubrificantes e desgaste excessivo nas hastes de dobra.

Metalube warehouse full of barrels with new Eco-Friendly wire rope lubricant
Estudo de caso

Metachain ™ CB-100 reduz o consumo de óleo em 50% na prensa Siempelkamp

Um fabricante do Reino Unido de painéis de madeira sustentável estava enfrentando problemas com a faixa de aço inferior de sua prensa Siempelkamp 46m funcionando a seco e depositando grandes quantidades de carbono e óleo residual. Para garantir a consistência e a lubrificação adequada, os óleos para correntes estavam sendo deliberadamente sobrepostos. Como resultado, a prensa produziu óleo residual em excesso que precisava ser drenado a uma taxa de 100 litros por semana.

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