Metachain™ – High-Performance Chain Oils for Industry

Worldwide Exports

UK Based Manufacturer

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30+ Years Experience

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Features and Benefits

  • High resistance to oxidisation which yields longer ‘in service wet life’
  • Significantly reduced carbonisation
  • Exceptionally low oil volatility reduces consumption
  • Unique combination of anti-wear additives reduces friction and wear
  • Excellent thermal stability enables extended lubrication frequencies
  • Most importantly component life is enhanced resulting in the following benefits:
    • Less downtime
    • Higher output capability
    • Reduced engineers time
    • Minimised parts spend
Metalube overhead conductor grease production line

Pack Sizes

Metachain™ products are available in 200 litre barrels or 1000 litre IBCs

Metachain™ CB-100/200

Continuous press lubricants for the wood panel industry

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Metachain™ CB-300/305/310

High performance, synthetic chain lubricant and cleaner for continuous panel press 

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Metachain™ CB-310

Multi-purpose high performance chain lubricant

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Metachain™ FG-25

Food grade chain lubricant for chillers, provers and high temperature 

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Metachain™ FG-30/35

High performance chain lubricants for the food and clean industries

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Metachain™ GW-410/411

Chain lubricants for mineral and glass wool curing ovens

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Metachain™ GW-411

High performance, synthetic lubricants for glass and mineral wool insulation curing ovens

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Metachain™ FS-150

Chain lubricants for mineral and glass wool forming sections

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Metachain™ DW-101

Chain lubricants for dry wall and gypsum board drying ovens

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Metachain™ PC-125

High temperature chain lubricant for paint coating lines

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Metachain™ TS-250/300

Chain lubricants for textile stenters and ceramic ovens

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Metachain™ HTS 

Multi-purpose high performance chain lubricant

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Metachain™ NP-125

High performance, synthetic chain lubricants.

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Metachain™ NP-125W

High performance, synthetic chain lubricants.

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Metachain™ PF

Synthetic chain lubricants for plastic film stretching machines (BOPP, BOPET, etc.)

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Metachain™ DF-600

Synthetic lubricant for oven chains operating at extreme temperatures

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Case Study

Metachain™ Saves £60,000/Year on Dieffenbacher Press By Reducing Downtime

A UK manufacturer of sustainable timber construction panels had historically used specialised belt, roller, chain and rod lubrication for their Dieffenbacher CPS+ continuous presses but had encountered issues including high carbon deposits left by lubricants, and excessive wear on bending rods.

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Case Study

Metachain™ CB-100 Cuts Oil Consumption by 50% on Siempelkamp Press

A UK manufacturer of sustainable timber construction panels was experiencing issues with the bottom steel band of their 46m Siempelkamp Press running dry and depositing large amounts of carbon and waste oil.  In order to ensure consistency and adequate lubrication, the chain oils were being deliberately over applied. As a result, the press produced excess waste oil that needed to be drained at a rate of 100 litres per week.

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