Metalube™ Lubricool 318 符合 Niehoff MMH 32 多线机的要求


One of India’s largest wire and cable producers, which manufacturers high-quality electrical wire for multiple market segments, approached Metalube™ looking for a lubricant partner that would be able to achieve the high-performance objectives required to run their Niehoff MMH 32 multi-wire machine. The copper wire produced by the company was both ISI marked and approved by the FIA/TAC, so it was necessary for the lubricant to uphold and deliver the highest manufacturing standards. 


Metalube™ recommended the use of Lubricool 318™, a high performance, semi-synthetic lubricant designed for high speed drawing of intermediate, fine and super fine copper wire. In addition, to ensure the longevity Metalube™ proposed the use of Metacare NP™ Metacare NH™, which when used as a post additive, further increased and optimised the performance and life of the lubricant.



