Home > News > Metachain™ Receives OEM Approval from Conveyor Manufacturer Wevin
Metachain™ Receives OEM Approval from Conveyor Manufacturer Wevin
21 Sep Metachain™ Receives OEM Approval from Conveyor Manufacturer Wevin
Metalube has recently received original equipment manufacturer approvals (OEM) from Wevin – a leading India based manufacturer of material handling machinery.
Wevin has approved the use of Metalube’s high-temperature chain oils, Metachain TS250, Metachain HTS and Metachain TS300 on their conveyor chains. The company has a strong customer base in India and the Middle East supplying conveyor systems into tier one automotive manufacturers, steel mills, international airports amongst other industries.
Commenting on the approval, Amit Gupte, General Manager Metalube Group India says: “We are delighted to have attained approval from Wevin. Our team worked closely alongside Wevin throughout the approval process, offering technical support during evaluation. We look forward to supplying Wevin with lubricants for new projects and supporting customers with ongoing maintenance of Wevin chains.”
To find out more about METALUBE’s Metachain™ range click here
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